Toastmasters CIPro Club

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Toastmasters CIPro Club has had a rich history, filled with many dedicated Toastmasters who have endured many successes and struggles that have helped shape our club into the one we know and enjoy today!
It was on July 1st, 1994, Toastmasters CIPro Club was officially chartered. Since that day many years ago, our club has held meetings near a noisy hockey rink, a cultural center with Chinese opera singing, and then the Yee Hong Center in Scarborough, before finally settling down to our current location from September 2007---Agincourt Recreation Center!
During the early days of Toastmasters CIPro Club, everyone had to really work together, often taking on 2-3 roles every meeting! But as the club grew, so did the friendships, and the desire for improving communication and leadership skills!
Today, our club is still going strong and growing! This year 2009 is our 15th anniversary!
Check out our "Special Edition - Our Roots" for more of our club's exciting history!